A Letter to Foreigners in Ningbo
We would like to wish all of you a happy Chinese Spring Festival and share some important information regarding the current epidemic.
In response to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-2019), the Zhejiang Provincial Government activated a Level I public health emergency response on Jan 23, and the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee and Ningbo Municipal People's Government have taken strict prevention and control measures to curb the spread of the virus. For the health of you and everyone around you, we ask that you follow the laws and regulations of the PRC on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and respond to calls by the central and local governments to cooperate in the following ways:
I. Follow official updates and do not trust false or unverified information
Please follow "nbfb0574" (the official WecChat account of the Ningbo Municipal People's Government) and other official media outlets for the most recent updates. Consult our list of designated hospitals in Ningbo, as well as our guides for prevention and treatment. If you have any questions, please call our 24-hour hotline at 87680042. Try to avoid false or unverified information.
II. Keep your distance from potential sources of infection
Please keep up to date with official information about the epidemic and avoid possible infectious areas or people with cold or flu-like symptoms. Avoid close contact with wild animals or birds. Eggs and meat must be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Avoid crowded places, parties, and other group activities. Always wear a mask (preferably a surgical mask) when going out.
III. Pay attention to personal hygiene
Maintain personal hygiene by washing your hands often with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow. Don't spit. Dispose of used masks appropriately. Properly ventilate and clean your living space.
IV. Help out with prevention and control efforts
If you have travelled to infected areas recently, or have contacted anyone from areas severely hit by the epidemic, please immediately report to authorities in the community where you reside, cooperate with community and medical staff if they inquire about your condition, and stay at home under medical observation for 14 days.
V. Ask for hospital treatment immediately
If you have a fever over 37.3℃, cough, fatigue, or difficulty breathing, please wear a surgical mask, avoid contact with anybody, and immediately go to a designed hospital for treatment. Please share your travel history with the doctor.
Lastly, we would like to thank foreign nationals for contributing significantly to the economic and social development of Ningbo. This city is our home and we need to stand together to protect it during this difficult time.
Foreign Affairs Office
Ningbo Municipal People's Government
January 30, 2020