
200-day countdown begins to Hangzhou Asian Games

By Ma Zhenhuan| chinadaily.com.cn| Updated:  March 10, 2023 L M S

A series of events and activities was held on Tuesday to mark the 200-day countdown to the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, which will take place between Sept 23 and Oct 8 in Hangzhou and five other cities in East China's Zhejiang province: Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing and Huzhou.

Among the festivities was a gala called "Our Asian Games, Our Grand Event, Our Village Party", in which performances were staged at the Asian Games Village.

During the celebration, people from across Zhejiang, including volunteers and students, told China Daily that they are ready for the upcoming extravaganza.

Check out this video to learn more.
