
Enchanting misty riverside scene unfolds in Ningbo

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated:  June 21, 2024 L M S


The misty view is reminiscent of an ink-wash painting, stirring feelings of poetic beauty and tranquility. [Photo/Ningbo Daily]

The Zhangxi River in Ningbo, Zhejiang province was veiled in a layer of captivating mist on the afternoon of June 20, as it intermingled with the waters of the Jiaokou Reservoir.

The mystical scene that unfolded on both sides of the Zhangxi, framed by mountains, waters, and villages, cast a spell reminiscent of an ink-wash painting, stirring feelings of poetic beauty and tranquility.

After traversing through the towns of Zhangshui, Longguan, and Yinjiang, the waters of the Zhangxi River eventually diverge in Yinjiang. One branch continues its journey towards the Yinjiang River, meandering eastward to join the flow of the Fenghua River, while the other follows the sinuous course of the Nantang River, leading towards the bustling city of Ningbo.


The waters flowing from the Jiaokou Reservoir into the Zhangxi River create a mystical layer of mist. [Photo/Ningbo Daily]
